Saturday, November 12, 2011

Should Palin be indicted as a co-conspirator to the recent shooting?Her website specifically targeted Giffords?

If Palin told someone to reload, then they would have to have fired a gun to begin with. What does the term reload mean an athlete runs out of energy. It means he needs fuel. After a long political battle people can be spent emotionally and need to reload by sharpening there message. A football team that is rebuilding is also refered to as reloading talent. This can also apply to business, or politics. Having someone in the crosshairs is a term meaning focus or scrutinize. We will focus on this particular area of concern or we will hold this person accountable. Politics is a team endeavor so it is not uncommon for a leader to issue a charge such as we need to focus our energy here or there. Blaming Palin for this is a giant leap. In my opinion it is a waste of time and diminishes a horrible act by a sick person.

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